Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nothing I Can Do

What a stressful week it's been, and it's only Wednesday.

Friday, my mom went in to have her drain tube removed from her mastectomy. She was so relived to have it out, only to develop a fever on Saturday and the breast started swelling.

Monday, my dad went into the hospital to have a "procedure" to remove a gallstone that had escaped during his surgery back in July. After he got out of surgery, my sister drove my mom over to the ER to have her breast checked because it was still swollen and she was still running a fever. The doctors wanted to admit her, but there were no beds and she was told to come back in the morning.

Tuesday, my sister drove my mom back to the hospital and they made her sit in an exam room for over 2 hours! I think she finally said "To hell with this" and left. She had an appointment with her plastic surgeon that afternoon. She was finally admitted into the hospital last night and put on IV antibiotics.

This morning, my dad was taken back into surgery to have a pollyp removed from his stomach. I got word this afternoon that he was out of surgery, but they were not able to remove the entire lesion and may have to do more surgery, depending on the pathology reports. Then I get word about an hour later that he's in a lot of pain and was being taken to X-Ray to see if he was bleeding somewhere. Apparently, the X-Ray didn't show anything so they wanted to do a MRI.

This whole time, my poor sister (bless her heart) is running between floors of the hospital to check on both of my parents.

I tried to call my mom several times today with no answer. I finally caught her online and asked why she wasn't answering her phone and she told me that it's not a good time and tempers were flaring.

She finally called me to tell me what was going on. She and my sister are so upset with the hospital staff. The nurse was too busy to come check on my mom when her IV was burning her arm, and they messed up by turning her IV off when she's suppose to be getting antibiotics all the time. They left my dad laying there in pain waiting to take him in for the MRI.

All this time, I was so relieved that they were at this hospital because I've heard my parents rave about the doctors. Little did I know, it was the clinic doctors and not the hospital nurses that they liked so much.

So, here I sit....1000 miles away and can't do a thing to help my sister or my parents. I cannot drive that far by myself, I cannot leave the kids with my husband because of his work schedule, and I cannot afford a plane ticket to fly there. Besides, my sister would have to drive an hour away to pick me up from the airport. She's got too much on her plate right now anyway.

I'm ready for all this to be over and for my parents to pack up their motorhome and head back home. Who knows how long that's going to take!!!