Friday, December 19, 2008

First Post

Wow! It's been such a long time since I have even thought about making another blog. I think it will be good for me though because I tend to keep my emotions bottled up and this will be a way for me to express myself without exploding on everyone around me.

I hate to start out my blog with a complaint, but I'm just having "one of those days". I had a hard time going to sleep last night so when the alarm went off this morning, I just really didn't want to get up. When I finally pulled myself up out of bed, I realized that it was almost time to take Sean to school. When I came out of my bedroom, Sean and Lauren were sitting on the couch wating TV (both of them in their jammies). I told Sean that we were running late and he needed to hurry up and get ready for school. And then the fight started..........

I don't know what it is with that child. He absolutely HATES to be told what to do. So when I told him to go get ready for school, he gave me that look....the one that says, "I don't know what you're talking about". So I turned off the TV and told him again to go get ready. He turned the TV back on and yells "Lauren is watching cartoons!!" and took off running to his room. By the time I got there, he had slammed the door and locked it. I was furious! I started banging on the door and telling him to let me in. Of course, he didn't. So I went about my morning business and when he finally opened the door, I was standing there with a pair of pliers and a screwdriver. Yep, I took his doorknob off the door. I am so tired of him locking me out. So I put a stop to that! Of course, I'm probably going to get into trouble for doing that, but at this point I really don't care.

I finally got him in the car and off we went to school. I am so mad by this point that I'm not even speaking to him. I dropped him off and came straight home.

I just hate days like this. I feel awful for the way I acted this morning.....I acted like a teenager instead of a 32 year old woman. My enitre day has been ruined.

Christmas break starts tomorrow and I have mixed feelings about it. Two glorious weeks of sleeping in and not having anywhere to go.....but then again two weeks of fighting kids and not having anywhere to go. LOL

Okay, so I'm done with my rant.

Merry Christmas to All.


  1. wow, what a day you have had already! And you know what...I would have taken the door nob off too, so don't feel bad about that. Our kids are getting older and they are started to test their bounderies...just wait, soon they will be teenagers! Now isn't that a scary thought!
    Hang in there, try and relax today, and just breathe. Sometimes that's all we can do as Mom's is just breathe.

    ((((huge hugs))))

  2. Your blog looks great!

    I am so glad you started to blog again!!!

