Monday, December 22, 2008

So Sad

Last night, my mom called me and told me about an accident that happened near Farmington last week.

Apparently, these 2 young boys (around 21 years old), had come up to Farmington to see one of the boys' parents. While they were on their way back to Albuquerque they hit a patch of black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. They were then hit 3 times by other cars. I don't watch local news, because it's too depressing, so I hadn't heard about this.

The reason my mom called to tell me about this is because one of the boys (Adrian) is the son of my mom's friend. And, Adrian used to be in my mom's Sunday school class.

Adrian's parents came up to Farmington to be with him in the hospital, but the motel they were staying at was infested with cockroaches and they were running out of money and had to get back so Adrian's dad could go back to work.

So, mom asked me if I would go up to the hospital to check on him and then report back. They have tried to get in touch with a priest here in Farmington, but the Episopal Church does not have a priest anymore. So I offered to call my pastor to see if he would be willing to go see him.

I got in touch with the associate pastor at my church and he said he would definitely go to the hospital to see him and see if there is anything he needs.

I went to the hospital today to check on him. When I first walked into the room, I thought he was watching TV so I quietly said his name. Then I realized that he was asleep. I didn't want to wake him, so I left the room and told the nurses I wanted to leave a note for him.

I know they can't tell me anything about his condition being I'm not family, but I told them to please call me if there is anything he needs. I feel so bad for him being in the hospital all by himself with no family here. Especially during Christmas. All I know is that he's got a shattered leg, shattered arm, black eyes and only about 4 teeth left in his mouth.

I will probably go back up there this evening to check on him again and see if there is anything he needs....socks, pants, etc. But for now, I'm just waiting to hear from Pastor Keith to see how his visit with Adrian went.

Please pray for this young man. He is all alone in the hospital and his parents don't have the money to keep coming back here to see him.

1 comment:

  1. How very sad. I will for sure say a prayer for Adrian, and quick healing, and for sure for his parents too... Keep us updated and let us know how he is doing.

