Friday, February 20, 2009

My Mom

In 2005, my mom found a lump in one of her breasts. I remember the day she got the biopsy results as if it were yesterday.

It was December 28, 2005 (incidently, the same day I burned my hand in 2002) and my parents had just arrived at my house to spend a late Christmas with us. The kids were so excited to see Gramma and Papa pull up in front of our house knowing that they brought presents with them.

We had just sat down and the kids were ripping open presents when Mom's phone rang. We all knew the phone call was coming, but we weren't really prepared for the news that the lump was malignant. My mom, being the rock that she is, handled the news very well. I, on the other hand, did not handle it well at all. It all hit me that night as I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. I kept thinking about going to visit my dad and my mom wouldn't be there. Of course, I was thinking the worst. About that time, Lauren woke up and needed to be rocked back to sleep. As I was standing at her crib laying her back down, I looked down at my mom and started crying again. She asked me what was wrong and I completely broke down. I got on the bed with my mom as she laid there and comforted me and told me everything was going to be okay.

Of course, she was right. Everything turned out to be okay. She had the lump removed and went through several weeks of chemo and radiation. She finished her last round of radiation during the week of Thanksgiving 2006.

In 2008, she went back to her doctor for a routine check up. They found another lump in the same breast. This time, the biopsy came back benign, but since she had already had cancer in that breast she was considered high risk and the lump needed to come out. My mom and her team of doctors decided it would be in her best interest to have the entire breast removed.

Yesterday, my mom was checked into Scott & White Medical center and had a mastectomy. The surgery went fine and she is back in her motorhome recovering. She will be there for at least 2 weeks until the drain tube is removed.

I tell you, that woman is a rock! Everyone around her is so worried and concerned and all she can say is "It's just a boob". LOL

I love my mom!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's been a while, so I thought I would make a quick post.

We went to Lauren's nephrologist in Albuquerque on the 28th for her 6 month check-up. The ultrasound went really well. She just laid there and let the tech do what she needed to do. She didn't even talk, which doesn't surprise me as she's not one for talking to strangers.

We then made our way through the maze of the hospital up to the specialty clinic to see the doctor. Of course, they wanted a urine sample and she had just gone potty before the ultrasound so she didn't have to go. Doctor just asked me questions about her potty habits and if she is doing better about holding it in. I told her that I've noticed her going in the bathroom a lot more lately and that's a good thing. That means that she's starting to feel the urge a little earlier. Before, she wouldn't feel it until it was almost too late and then would sit down on the floor and pull her knees up to her chest just so she wouldn't pee in her pants.

Doctor said that we can go ahead and take her off the antibiotics and see how she does. However, if she develops symptoms of another UTI, I will have to take her in to the doctor and have a urine culture done. Last time we went in they didn't culture the urine, just dipped it. Therefore, we aren't 100% sure that she actually had a UTI this last time. Lauren is very happy about not being on medication anymore. She hated that stuff. They flavor it at the pharmacy, but it still tastes bad.

We go back to Albuqerque in 6 more months for another check-up. If she does develop a UTI in the next 6 months, they will have to do another ultrasound and VCUG (catheter and dye). I'm praying that her reflux is getting better and will eventually go away.

Other than that, nothing else too exciting going on around here. Doctor and dentist appointments are slowly making their way out of my appointment book. Thank goodness for that. I'm so sick of going to the doctor. LOL

Have a wonderful evening!