Tonight's sermon was about Divine Sex For Him. I know, strange subject for church, but it really was good!
You know how your mother always said, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". She was exactly right. The way to a man's heart is through his body, which is exaclty opposite of women. The way to a woman's body is through her heart. (He taught on that last week, but I missed it).
He gave us the "10 Commandments" of this subject and I thought I would post them. I found them pretty interesting.
1. Be a lady; get your hair styled, wear make-up, wear stylish clothes, exercise and eat healthy.
2. When you are in the mood, tell him. (Guys don't get subtle hints...they need to be told in plain english LOL)
3. When you could get in the mood, accept.
4. Tell him what you like. (He's not a mind reader).
5. Tell him what kind of game you are hoping for this time (he used basketball terms for this one)
"First basket wins" - quickie
"One on one to 20" - quickier
"A regular game" - normal night
"A tournament" - kids gone to Grandmas for the weekend, hotel in Vegas, etc.
6. Gift wrap yourself. (It's like Christmas or a birthday for him).
7. Actively participate.
8. Give directions.
9. Learn to master the skill of sexual love.
10. Don't blackmail your husband sexually.
I thought these were all very good. I thought it would be very embarassing to listen to a pastor speak about sex, but after hearing him, it wasn't embarassing at all. He made some very good points and made me understand my husband just a little bit better. I now know why it's hard for him to tell me I look pretty or that I'm doing a good job with the house, kids, etc. He said that it makes him wonder if she will reject him, love him less or not care about the things he says to her. He knows that she needs to hear these things, but it makes him feel emotionally "naked". It's hard to put his words down and make it easy to understand.
Michael has a hard time saying those things to me, but deep down I know how he feels about me. When we are apart for a long time, he will tell me how much he loves me or how pretty I am to him and it makes me feel so good. I wish he would tell me that stuff more often, but now I understand how it makes a man feel to do that.
Thanks for sharing this! It's very interesting...and really made me think!