Thursday, June 18, 2009


Okay, so I know I suck at blogging but wanted to stop in and write about my summer so far.

Vacation was AWESOME! And when I say awesome, that's an understatement. I haven't had that much fun in a really long time.

We started out by taking the kids to mom's house, which is a 400 mile trip in itself. The kids were very well behaved in the truck and even got to ride on Daddy's motorcycle going down the highway. I have to admit, that was a little scary for Mommy, but they had a blast.

The next morning, we all piled into my brother in law's vehicle and hit the road for Arlington. The first part of the trip was semi-boring....driving through southeast New Mexico and west Texas...not a whole lot to look at or talk about. We stopped in Big Spring to eat at Whataburger (one of our favorite fast food joints) and then we were back on the road. Michael, my sister in law and I decided that we needed to liven up the drive. We broke out the booze I had stashed in my suitcase! By the time we got to the hotel in Arlington (4 hours later), we were pretty much hammered. LOL I know, not something to be real proud of. But how often do I get to get out without the kids and have absolutely no responsibility? Not very often!

The concert the next night was AMAZING! The new Dallas Cowboy stadium is REALLY amazing. I couldn't believe how big it was inside. Jullian Hough was suppose to perform first, but she was sick so they called in Lee Ann Womack! We missed the first two songs of her set because we were having a hard time finding our seats. Blake Shelton was next. He came out with a beer in his hand and was having a good time! He even sang "Free Credit Report dot Com" It was pretty funny. Reba came out next and sang for about an hour. She's an amazing singer and I was in awe that I was in the same room as her. For her encore she came out in a red dress and sang "Fancy". Then the King of Country Music came out.....George Strait! OMG! There are no words to describe how excited I was to see him in person. We left after what we thought was his final song, but soon realized that he had come out for his encore. We were outside the stadium and could see the lights and hear the roar of the crowd coming out of the roof. So cool!

Sunday, we drove back to Artesia and were greeted with big hugs and smiles from the kids. They had a good time with Gramma and Papa. We celebrated my grandma's 90th birthday party on Tuesday. That woman absolutely amazes me. She still drives herself everywhere, does her own grocery shopping and even drives out of town once a week to play cards with her friends. I hope that when I'm 90 I can do the same things she does.

Wednesday we took the kids to Carlsbad Caverns. I hadn't been there in several years, but was still impressed with the sheer size of the cave. It was a mile walk down into the cavern and then another mile walk around the Big Room. By the time we were done, the kids were exhausted and Lauren was asleep before we even left the parking lot.

Thursday was another travel day. Again, the kids got to ride on the back of the motorcycle and were well behaved in the truck with me.

Friday and Saturday we spend the majority of our time at the Harley Davidson shop. They were having a "Support the Troops" rally. It was a lot of fun and I even got to go for a ride to Durango and back on the motorcycle. Michael's ticket was drawn and he won a huge painting! He's won something everytime we've done a rally. Lucky Dog!

Now that vacation is over I've been spending my time getting caught up on laundry, cleaning and cooking. It's hard to get back into a routine even after just a week of relaxation.

So there's my summer vacation.....and it was the BEST!

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