Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year

Well, 2011 is here and it's been a VERY long time since I wrote in my blog. It's not like anyone even reads this, but I thought "Why not?"

When I reflect on the years past I wish I had written in my blog so I could remember some of the things that have happened. Let's face it, I'm not getting any younger and my memory isn't as good as it used to be.

Michael is back at Permian Power Tong. He went back in February last year after working for Halliburton for about a year and a half. The work had gotten so slow that they were wanting to transfer him to Gillette, WY for a year without me and the kids. I really didn't know how I was going to handle that, but I knew that whatever he had to do for us was best. That very day we got the best call we could have ever wanted. His boss at Permian wanted him back, so he quit his job at Halliburton and went back to Permian. I didn't realize just how unhappy he was for that year and a half he was at Halliburton until he quit that job. The old Michael started to come back, and boy was it nice to have him back!

Sean is now in the 5th grade and struggling with math. I don't know what is going on with him this year whether it be too many distractions with friends or just not paying attention. I know he is very capable of doing the work and doing it well, he's just not putting forth the effort. We have promised him that if he gets straight A's by the end of the year he will get his very own XBox to put in his room. We shall see if he reaches that goal.

Lauren is now in Kindergarten and loving it. I tried to get her to go to the same school as Sean, but all of the schools had high numbers of students enrolled so I was not able to get her on at Ladera. But she goes to a great school and I totally love her teacher. She's already learning how to read and we are very proud of her. Her medical issues are getting better. We saw the specialist in November and her reflux is almost completely gone, however she still has issues with the bladder. She continues the nightly medication and only time will tell if she will completely outgrow the problem.

I have started taking a medical transcription course online. At first I loved it! I couldn't wait to sit down at the computer and learn all the medical terminology and learn about the body. Now that I'm into the actual transcription part I'm not liking it so much. I think it's because they throw so much at you at once and it is very hard to understand what the doctors are saying. Some doctors just talk so fast that I have to keep backing up and slowing it down. Others do not speak English very well and it's so hard to understand what they are saying. I think once I finally finish this course and get hired somewhere it will be much easier because I will get used to the way my clients dictate. For now, I just have to push through it and get it done.

That's about it for now. I sure hope I can keep up with my blog. I may not get any readers, but at least I will have this and I can look back on everything.

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