Monday, July 13, 2009


I thought I would drop in and update my blog as to what has been going on in my life.

As I was cooking dinner the other night, Lauren came running into the house screaming her head off. I could tell that she was hurt by the way she was acting. She had been jumping on the trampoline and got stung 2 times on her foot by a wasp/hornet. I didn't see any stingers so I just put some ice on it and gave her some benadryl. 3 days later we were at the doctors office with a very swollen, hot foot. Doc said there was nothing they could do and just to continue with the benadryl, ice and other treatments I had been trying.

My mom called me last Monday and asked what we were doing this week and when I told her that I had no plans except for a doctor's appointment on Thursday she told me that she and my grandma were going to be here that night. I immediately went into a cleaning frenzy and got my house spotless! We had a good time playing Joker, doing puzzles and visiting.

Lauren had an appointment with the kidney specialist on Thursday. We didn't see our regular doctor as she was on vacation, but the doctor we did see gave us some more information and told us what we should be doing to correct her reflux problem. She's still on the daily medication and she will have another VCUG in a couple of months. Just waiting on her pediatrician to call us with a scheduled time.

Sean is constantly busy playing video games, riding his bike and playing with neighborhood friends. There are some kids that come visit Grandma and Grandpa every summer and Sean made friends with them last summer. They were here for 2 weeks and Sean loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, they have gone back to Denver and won't be back until next summer. Vacation bible school is starting this week and hopefully he will want to attend.

Michael is busy at work....thank goodness. They have finally lifted the ban on overtime and now the good money can start rolling in again. It stinks that he has to be gone so much, but it's the best for our family. At least he gets paid to sleep! :o)

In the meantime, I'm here holding down the fort. Keeping up with laundry, cooking, cleaning, bath time, medicine schedules and bedtime. I've taken a break from my Mary Kay business. I just can't do what needs to be done with the kids at home. I can't take them with me to facials or skin care classes and I know that's what is holding me back on being a successful consultant. I am still taking orders and keeping my customers happy and stocked with product, but I'm not attending weekly meetings or doing any classes. I think this makes my husband happy, as he's not a big supporter. When Lauren starts preschool this year, I will have more time to do what needs to be done and I will be able to show Michael that this can be a successful business when it's worked the right way.

So, that's about it for my updates. Off to do more laundry and cook dinner......

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