Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well here it is, the first day of 2009. I can hardly believe 2008 is over, but I am so relieved that it is. Last year was really rough on us and I can only hope and pray that this year is better.

2008 started with Michael getting fired from his job after 8 years of loyalty. That hit us really hard. The next week, we got the news that my father in law only had weeks to live.

Michael and his brother had planned a trip to go see him one more time and when they got there, he was worse than we had ever imagined. I can remember it like it was yesterday....I was sitting in church and my phone started to vibrate and when I looked at the caller ID, I knew something was really wrong. I ran out of the worship center and answered my phone. Michael told me to cancel his flight for the next morning because his dad only had about 24-48 hours to live. I grabbed the kids and we went home to pack. By the time I got home, Michael called me again and told me to stop packing and just to wait. Everyone thought we were getting a little too anxious. At 7:00, Michael called again to say that Jim had passed. I was so heartbroken. Even though we knew it was coming, it doesn't make it any easier to lose someone you love so much. Super Bowl Sunday will never be the same for us. He died at the beginning of the 4th quarter (but he was rooting for the Giants).

By the next morning, we had gotten snowed in and I couldn't go anywhere. Michael kept telling me, "I have every shoulder in the world to cry on except for the one I want". I have never cried so much in my life. I wanted so badly to be with my husband, but there was nothing I could do. And believe me, I tried EVERYTHING.

I don't think I will ever come to terms with the fact that I didn't get to go say goodbye to Jim, but I know that he knew I loved him and tried everything I could to get to Texas.

The next six months weren't any better for us. Michael got a great job, but the starting pay wasn't that great so we were struggling financially. Then our landlord decided to sell the house we were renting. We found a house, but the rent was even higher than what we were paying, but really had no choice. So we moved again.

The last six months of 2008 slowly got better and now that it's the beginning of 2009 I am hoping that it keeps getting better.

I have set my goals for 2009 and I'm going to work very hard to reach those goals. I don't set New Years Resolutions, I don't believe in them. But I will make myself a goal poster for my wall, refrigerator and bathroom mirror so everywhere I go, I will see my goals and work harder to obtain them.

I hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year my friend!

    Wishing you a year filled with all your dreams coming true!

    *hugs and love*
