Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, we've had our first death of the new year.

Yesterday while grocery shopping, Lauren decided she wanted to spend some of her Christmas money and get some goldfish. So we got a fish bowl with all the stuff and 3 goldfish.

Sadly, one of our little fishies didn't make it through the night.

Later, I was checking on the other fish and only noticed one in the bowl. I asked Lauren what happened to it and she told me that she "accidentally" took it into her room. I ran in her room and started searching. I picked up her blanket, flipped it and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something orange fly through the air. Yep, there was the fishy. He was still alive! I rushed him back to his bowl and he stayed on his side for a minute then sank to the bottom. He laid there for a while then slowly made his way up to the top for air and food.

So far, he's okay but we'll just have to wait and see.

I guess thinking a 4 year old can have goldfish wasn't such good thinking after all.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Awww...poor Lauren!! How cute though!! I hope she understands better that fishies need to stay in the water now!!! :)

