Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lauren's Accident

Yesterday, I left the house for 15 minutes to run to the bank. When I got home, Michael was standing in the front foyer holding a wet, crying, bleeding Lauren.

Before I left for the bank, I had put her in the tub because she got all wet and cold from playing outside in the snow. While I was gone, she got out of the tub, climbed up on the toilet to get a towel and slipped. She hit her eye on the toilet and got a gash above her eye.

I immediately knew that she needed to go to the ER. The cut wasn't that big and really wasn't bleeding that bad, but it was in a bad spot and she needed to have it cleaned being she hit the toilet.

I took her to the ER and they put us on the fast track (in and out in under an hour). Doctor came in to see her and decided that she needed to have the cut cleaned and glued. She was so brave and only cried when he was putting the glue on. I guess that stuff stings quite a bit.

After the ER, I decided that she needed a treat for being so brave, so we went through the drive-thru at McDonald's and got a Happy Meal.

She's doing much better today and says that her eye doesn't even hurt. But, when I told her that we were going to church she said, "No! They will be mad at me for my eye!". Awwwwwww. I told her no one would be mad at her about getting hurt and that made her feel better.

(I tried to post a picture here, but I can't get it to fit.)

On another note, Michael has been sent to Gillette, WY for two weeks for work. The oilfield has really slowed down here in Farmington, so they gave him the option of working nights (only getting 8 hours a day) or going to Wyoming for two weeks (14+ hours a day whether he works or not) with all expenses paid. It was a tough decision for him to make because Sean's birthday is next week and he really hates to miss birthdays, plus being gone for two weeks is hard on everyone. But, he made the decision that would be best for all of us. We have done this many times before and have survived. Seems like it even makes us stronger. We appreciate each other a lot more after being apart for a while.

I'm going to miss him something terrible, but I know he will be coming home and he's doing what's best for our family.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know how to set up the email so I can get mail when you update?


    Poor Lauren!!! I hope she is feeling much better now. Poor little girl. :(

    Sorry to hear Michael will be gone for so long...but it does make ya stronger, even though you miss each other so much.

    *huge hugs*
