Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mom and Dad left this morning. We had a good time while they were here. We did some "retail therapy" and watched tv. All in all it was a relaxing start to my week.

Last night, Sean decided that for his birthday he wanted Papa to take him to Hobby Lobby and get him a model car to put together and then he wanted to go out to eat. I thought for sure he was going to say that he wanted to eat somewhere expensive, but he picked Taco Bell. LOL He's definitely his father's son.

So, we went to Hobby Lobby and he picked out which model he wanted. I'm not good with cars, but I know he picked a cool one. Some kind of hot rod. Then we went to Taco Bell for his birthday dinner.

When we got home, Sean had some homework to do so my dad sat down with him and helped him with his homework and then they started working on the model. It's not one of those that you have to glue and then paint. It's a snap together kind. It took them almost 2 hours to put that thing together, and Sean is so proud of it.

This morning when I woke up, I heard my dad asking my mom if she slept well (she was on the couch...which didn't surprise me at all seeing as she's such a Pogo addict and falls asleep while playing). But then I heard my mom say that she didn't sleep good at all. She had been up all night throwing up. OH MAN! I'm just a phobic when it comes to someone getting sick in my home because I'm so afraid that either I'm going to catch it or one of my kids will. I thought for sure they would stay another night since Mom wasn't feeling well, but she said that they needed to get home and just to let her rest for a while longer.

Dad went out to start my car to take Sean to school (I'm so spoiled when they come, I don't have to get out in the morning), and wouldn't you know car was completely dead! I didn't tap the brakes when we got home last night so my brake lights stayed on all night and ran my battery down. I'm so sick of wanting/needing to go somewhere and can't because I have a dead battery. So, I called the mechanic and he told me to go ahead and bring the car in and they would look at it. Dad took it down to him while Mom was resting and got my car fixed. The little relay switch under the brake pedal was loose and just needed to be adjusted. Thank goodness that it wasn't something major and I don't have to get a new battery.

Mom finally started feeling better around 11 and they hit the road. I gave her a coffee can to use just incase she started feeling sick again. They made it home around 7:00 tonight and she's feeling much better.

I talked to Michael for about 2 hours on the computer this afternoon. I miss him so much already and it seems like he's never going to be home. He's only been gone 4 days but it feels like 4 weeks. He said it's so cold in Wyoming. It's been snowing ever since he got there but he said it's suppose to stop tonight or early in the morning.

Sean's birthday is Monday.....and it's a school holiday. I have told him that we are not going to have a big birthday party, but he can ask 2 friends to come spend the night with him. So, we have asked 2 boys to come over Sunday afternoon and spend the night. We are going to order pizza and play games. He's very excited about that. I can't believe my baby boy is going to be 9 years old. Where does the time go?

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope your mom is feeling better! Was it a bug?

    Happy Birthday to Sean!! Wow, I can't believe how fast both our boys are growing up!!

    I know how much you are missing Michael, just think how good that reunion will be when he gets home!! *wink wink* :)

