Monday, January 19, 2009

Wow, what a weekend we've had!

In my last post, I said that my mom got sick and how I'm such a phobic about it. Well, Lauren ended up getting sick the very next day. She threw up all night long. It was horrible. By the next morning she seemed to be doing better but she was real tired. She didn't really want to play, just wanted to watch cartoons. She told me she wanted some lunch so I went into the kitchen to make her something and before I could even get the bread and cheese out, she was fast asleep on the living room floor.

Saturday, she seemed to be doing even a little bit better. We went to Walmart and did a little bit of shopping. The kids each got gift cards and were just dying to use them. When we got home, it hit her again. She just wanted to lay on the couch and watch tv. All of a sudden she says she needs to throw up. Oh man!!! Here we go again. So I made the decision that she needed to be seen by a doctor. We went over to urgent care and they got her right in. They did a strep test and a urine dip. She's got ANOTHER urinary tract infection! We caught this one in the beginning so she wasn't even feeling it. I asked the doctor if the vomiting was associated with the UTI and she said that more than likely it was. I didn't know that could happen, but now I do.

They increased her antibiotics for the next 7 days (I hadn't been giving her any because she was throwing up) and gave her something for the nausea. 30 minutes after she took the nausea medicine, she was up playing like nothing was wrong.

Last night, we had Sean's birthday party (which was called off Saturday night because of Lauren, then it was back on after she took that medicine LOL). I had 3 little boys running all over my house making the biggest racket you'd ever heard. Sean was in heaven! If only I had half as much energy as they do.......

By midnight, I had had enough and told the boys it was time to turn on a movie and go to sleep. I went to bed.......

At 5:00 this morning, I hear giggling coming from the living room. I got up to find 4 little boys huddled around the tv playing XBox. Those turds never even went to sleep!!

I'm so exhausted today and I can hear my bed calling me. Sean fell asleep around 5:00 this evening and hasn't woke up yet. LOL I told him no more sleepovers with more than one friend. That was just too much.

So, Happy Birthday to my little boy (he hates it when I call him that). You've still got a birthday spankin' coming!


  1. Oh no about Lauren!! I hope she is feeling much better now. Good thing it was caught early this time! scary for you though, and having to go through the pukes!

    Happy Birthday to Sean! It's funny that they stayed up all night! I remember doing that at slumber parties too. :)


  2. Wow! What a small world! How did you find me? haha! I am Jims sisters, Marianne, grandaughter Amy. My parents are Wayne and Alice Anne. I was one of the flower girls in his wedding to Kitty!
